Latest Research & Analysis

16-Nov-2018 - RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. – RMAX:  Removed from Watch List.  In late 2017, Re/Max did not timely submit its SEC filings due to what the company said was an internal investigation.  This easily could have triggered the undisclosed SEC investigation we were tracking. ...

15-Nov-2018 - Snap, Inc. – SNAP:  Danger:  Snap is Playing Disclosure Games with Investors over Joint SEC/DOJ Investigations.  On Tuesday 13-Nov-2018, Reuters broke a story on Snap, Inc. which opened with this, “The U.S. Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission have...

5-Nov-2018 - Probes Reporter® research reports provide commentary and analysis on public company interactions with investors and with the SEC. They are heavily reliant on our expertise in using the Freedom of Information Act.  Companies in Today’s Research Update A10 Networks, Inc. –...

5-Nov-2018 - A10 Networks, Inc. – ATEN:  Disclosed SEC investigation(s) confirmed as ongoing.  In our opinion, A10 Networks is a troubled company headed by a management team playing Disclosure Games® regarding an SEC investigation.  More in today’s report. Disclosure Games® is a...

5-Nov-2018 - Hain Celestial Group, The – HAIN:   Disclosed SEC Investigation(s) Confirmed as On-going.  Inadequate. It looks like Hain Celestial resolved a two-year SEC accounting investigation.  Not so fast. There is a subtlety in language used by the company that could blow-...

5-Nov-2018 - Pyxus International, Inc., fka, Alliance One International, Inc. – PYX/AOI:  It is rare we get the kind of documents we received on a closed SEC investigation of Alliance One.  If you’ve read more than one of our reports, you’ve seen us complain that the SEC doesn’t usually...

1-Nov-2018 - MiMedx Group Inc. – MDXG:  Disclosed SEC Investigation(s) Confirmed as On-going.  Inadequate disclosures make it impossible to assess this material and on-going risk.  Details in today’s report. To access the SEC Investigation Update, which includes our full research...

1-Nov-2018 - Sony Corp. – SNE:  Involvement in a previously undisclosed SEC investigation now appears over – Removed from Watch List of companies with undisclosed SEC investigations – Documents released.   Sony appears to us as one of those companies that has yet to meet an SEC...
