Latest Research & Analysis

11-Oct-2018 - BlackBerry Ltd. – BB:   Removed from Watch List.    We now know what the SEC was investigating Blackberry for and are removing the company from our Watch because it’s over. We know it was a formal investigation but, based on documents received, it is hard to...

11-Oct-2018 - Citrix Systems, Inc. - CTXS:  Removed from Watch List.  The SEC recently released three pages of records from an investigation on which we know little more than it started in Apr-2015 and ended in May-2018.  Full research history in today’s report.  To access the...

11-Oct-2018 - GlaxoSmithKline Plc. – GSK:  Removed from Watch List.  An undisclosed SEC investigation we previously warned about has now been disclosed.  However, investors should be on guard regarding China.  We see confusing disclosures that you need to explore if you have an...

27-Sep-2018 - Probes Reporter® research reports provide commentary and analysis on public company interactions with investors and with the SEC. They are heavily reliant on our expertise in using the Freedom of Information Act.  Companies in Today’s Research Update Babcock & Wilcox...

27-Sep-2018 - Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises, Inc. – BW:  In reviewing BW’s disclosures of an SEC investigation (that we knew about 5 months before the company first disclosed it), we found two subtle language changes in the recent disclosures that we view as dangerous to the outlook....

27-Sep-2018 - Rockwell Collins is playing Disclosure Games® with investors over an internal investigation it said it voluntarily reported to the SEC and DOJ.  To us it appears a number of disclosure sleights-of-hand are being used to trick you into not noticing or being able to gauge the...

27-Sep-2018 - Santander Consumer USA Holdings, Inc. – SC:  In the midst of an array of protracted regulatory problems, on which the disclosures are generally not analytically helpful, we found there is a term of art that the writer of Santander’s disclosures uses with great frequency. ...

20-Sep-2018 - Disclosure Insight® reports provide commentary and analysis on public company interactions with investors and with the SEC. They are heavily reliant on our expertise in using the Freedom of Information Act.  This week Bloomberg broke a story titled, Tesla Faces U.S. Criminal...
