Disclosure Insight™ reports provide commentary and analysis on public company interactions with investors and with the SEC. They are heavily reliant on our expertise with using the Freedom of Information Act.
Editor’s note: This report warning of risk of an undisclosed SEC probe at Valeant, as well as our opinion of the raised potential for a restatement and delayed filings, was already loaded and set for release at the time the Wall Street Journal broke news last evening of a pending restatement. We decided to keep our original report intact, but wanted to acknowledge our awareness of the Journal’s story. We remain first on breaking news of data pointing to an undisclosed SEC probe.
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. $VRX
- Possible Undisclosed SEC Investigation of Valeant.
- Salix investigations remain an on-going exposure.
- Restatement and delayed filings risk elevated.
- Added to Watch List
Analyst Summary: With new SEC data pointing to a new and undisclosed SEC investigation of Valeant, and the company’s own filings indicating a previously-disclosed, formal SEC investigation of Salix is on-going, the risk for delayed filings and restatements is elevated.
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