Latest Research & Analysis

12-Aug-2020 - SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. – SSNC:  SEC Investigation Update Added to Watch List of companies with confirmed, undisclosed SEC investigations.  This is SS&C Technologies’ first appearance on our Watch List since we started covering the company in May-2020....

12-Aug-2020 - TCF Financial Corp.  – TCF:  SEC Investigation Update Added to Watch List of companies with confirmed, undisclosed SEC investigations.   The first FOIA response indicating an SEC investigation was dated 05-May-2020, and later confirmed in an appeal response dated...

12-Aug-2020 - Zoetis, Inc. – ZTS:  SEC Investigation Update.  Something curious between Zoetis and the SEC. Probes Reporter® research provides data, commentary, and analysis on public company interactions with investors and with the SEC.   Our work is heavily reliant on...

1-Aug-2020 - Fluor Corporation – FLR:   UPDATE:  01-Aug-2020 - Removed from Watch List Removed because an SEC investigation we repeatedly warned on has been disclosed.  The first response indicating an SEC investigation was dated 28-Feb-2018. On-going enforcement proceedings...

26-Jul-2020 - This is a new report format for us.  It lists those instances wherein the SEC recently cited the "law enforcement exemption" of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as basis to block our access to records we sought on the public companies included in this update.  As a...

2-Jul-2020 - Facebook, Inc. – FB:  SEC Investigation Update Facebook is a magnet for SEC investigations.  Added to Watch List of companies with confirmed, undisclosed SEC investigations.  Full details in today’s report. Probes Reporter® research provides data, commentary, and...

2-Jul-2020 - FedEx Corp. – FDX:  SEC Investigation Update Removed from Watch List .  Based on new data, removed from Watch List of companies with undisclosed SEC investigations.  Probes Reporter® research provides data, commentary, and analysis on public company interactions with...

2-Jul-2020 - Marathon Petroleum Corp. – MPC:  SEC Investigation Update Update – An undisclosed SEC investigation is again confirmed.  Second time since Jul-2019.  Maintained on Watch List.  Probes Reporter® research provides data, commentary, and analysis on public company...
