Latest Research & Analysis

17-Sep-2020 - The SEC previously cited the "law enforcement exemption" of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as basis to block our access to the detailed records we sought on the companies listed here. In response to administrative appeals we filed, the SEC then confirmed on-going enforcement...

17-Sep-2020 - BGC Partners, Inc. – BGCP:  We’ve been tracking an undisclosed SEC investigation at BGC Partners since Oct-2018.  Maintained on the Watch List.    Click on the PDF to access the full SEC Investigation Update report we published on this company (only visible when...

17-Sep-2020 - Cheesecake Factory Inc., The – CAKE:  This is this is our first confirmation of an undisclosed SEC investigation at Cheesecake Factory since we started covering the company in Apr-2013.  Added to Watch List.   Click on the PDF to access the full SEC Investigation...

17-Sep-2020 - IQVIA Holdings, Inc. – IQV:  This is our first time researching this company.  We found a confirmed, undisclosed SEC investigation.  Added to the Watch List.   Click on the PDF to access the full SEC Investigation Update report we published on this company (only...

17-Sep-2020 - Schlumberger Limited – SLB:  Ongoing, undisclosed SEC investigative activity repeatedly confirmed since Aug-2016.  A Foreign Corrupt Practices Act problem maybe?  Maintained on the Watch List.  Click on the PDF to access the full SEC Investigation Update report...

17-Sep-2020 - Thomson Reuters Corporation – TRI:  We see signs of two undisclosed SEC investigations at Thomson Reuters since 2017.  One appears to be an undisclosed Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigation that started in Dec-2017, and ended 19 months later, in Jul-2019....

14-Sep-2020 - Below are those instances wherein the SEC recently cited the "law enforcement exemption" of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as basis to block our access to records we sought on the public companies included in this update.   As a matter of law, they are acknowledging...

14-Sep-2020 - No Recent SEC Investigative Records Found – 180 Companies Published 14-Sep-2020 As of the date of the response in the table below, we received Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) responses from the SEC to suggest the absence of recent SEC investigative activity.  If you think...
