Daunting Challenges Threaten Overstock’s Crypto-Deal


Overstock.com – OSTK   $57.85   Mkt Cap $1.53 B

Summary and Opinion:  Between crypto-mania, regulatory pressure, and even history, we see a mix so daunting, so expansive, that it’s hard imagine Overstock’s cryptocurrency deal survives, at least not in its present form. If it does survive, then investors will have every right to cheer. For now, you can put us in the category of those in no hurry to order the pom-poms yet. 

In the balance of this note we parse company disclosures about the SEC probe and walk through why we think Overstock poses more risk than supporters may recognize.  We include excerpts from our vast document library as comparisons.

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-- Probes Reporter


Independent Investment Research Focused on Public Company Interactions with the SEC.

Notes: Our Disclosure Insight® reports, like those coming from other financial news and data providers, provide the investing public with commentary and analysis on public company interactions between investors and/or with the SEC and other agencies. They are journalistically based in large part on our expertise with federal filings using the Freedom of Information Act.

“Disclosure Games®” is a term we use to highlight those public companies engaging in disclosure practices that in our opinion may be misleading, confusing, evasive, or otherwise lacking the transparency needed for investors to make well-informed investment decisions regarding a potentially material exposure. 

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