Watch List Update: Omnicare, Inc - Risk of Undisclosed SEC Investigation


The Probes Reporter™ Watch List tracks those companies involved in undisclosed SEC investigative activity.  Names are added to and removed from this list frequently based on responses we receive to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests we file with the SEC.  This is our latest update.

Omnicare, Inc. (OCR)   
Possible, Undisclosed SEC Investigation

Added to Watch List

  • 05-Sep-2014: The SEC cites the "law enforcement exemption" of the FOIA as basis to deny the public access to the detailed records we sought on this company.  As a matter of law, they are acknowledging some sort of investigative activity. No disclosure of SEC investigative activity was found in the past two years of this company’s SEC filings. We filed an administrative appeal to challenge this denial.
  • Oct-2013 and Nov-2012:  No indications recent investigative activity found. Documents were provided to us regarding an older investigation dating back to 2006.  They are available in our database.

To learn more on our process and what our findings mean, click here.

Notes: The SEC did not disclose the details on investigations referenced above. The SEC reminds us that its assertion of the law enforcement exemption should not be construed as an indication by the Commission or its staff that any violations of law have occurred with respect to any person, entity, or security.  New SEC investigative activity could theoretically begin or end after the date covered by this latest information which would not be reflected here.
